All image files should be in CMYK, Grayscale, or Bitmap file format when submitted separately or when used within other programs. RGB is not a printable color mode and will be converted to CMYK, which will likely make the image look different than what was submitted.
300 Pixels Per Inch (PX) is the standard print quality for raster (Photoshop) images and photos. A higher resolution is not necessary unless the image has extremely fine detail. Artwork with excessively high resolution that causes unnecessarily large file sizes to be downsized or possibly even rejected.
For highly detailed 4-color raster images below 2″ X 2”, 600 PPI is OK as long as it does not create excessive file sizes.
For highly detailed 4-color raster images below 1″ X 1”, 1200 PPI is OK as long as it does not create excessive file sizes.
Raster image files should be saved in flattened TIFF or transparent PSD formats. Jpeg files are “lossy” and should not be used for print unless no other format is available.
All raster images should be scaled in Adobe Photoshop and then imported into layout programs at 100% scale. Raster images should not be resized in vector-based layout programs.
All Photoshop documents should have any unused layers deleted.
**Do not typeset text in a Photoshop document**
If Photoshop is the only software available and text is required in the design, please keep all text live (meaning keyboard editable) and on separate layers. The fonts must be provided with the file so the text can be exported in vector format.
When saving Photoshop documents, do not embed any color profiles.
Artwork Submission Outline
Print Standards:
Minimum positive text size based on Helvetica Medium — 3 Point Minimum reversed text size based on Helvetica Medium — 4 Point
Minimum weight for a positive solid line .25 Point Minimum weight for a reverse solid line .375 Point
Minimum press registration tolerance for die cut — 1/32” (.03125″) Minimum Inside Artwork Border — 1/32″ (.03125”)
Minimum Bleed — 1/16″ (.0625″)
Recommended Minimum Margins — 1/16” (.0625”)
Minimum Trap Tolerance — 1/2 Point (We’ll trap the files in-house)
When designing labels with the intention of using one of our stock dies, please call ahead to get exact die dimensions, corner radius, and unwind direction so that the artwork can be created to the proper size from the beginning.